Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blog 2-Prallels

One of the parallels between the novel and our world today is that the Government makes us afraid of them because they have so much power. The people in Fahrenheit 451 fear the Government so much that any rules that they come up with, no matter how stupid it is, the people will follow. The biggest example is no reading. Books are illegal because the Government doesn’t want the people to get ideas in their head that may corrupt their thinking. The Government in Fahrenheit 451 abuses their power in order to keep themselves happy. I think that relates to the society that we live in today. If you give a person who is irresponsible just a little bit of power, it will go to their head and they will abuse it. That doesn’t just pertain to the Government. Cops, teachers, bosses all can abuses their power. We see it all the time and most of us are too afraid to do anything about it. Another thing that is parallel in the book and our society is something that Professor Faber says; “Those that don’t build, burn.” In Fahrenheit 451 the people that are smart enough to realize what is going on and have the ability to correct it, don’t. They just sit back and think that someone else will take car of it. This relates to our society because when most people see something wrong and have to ability to change it, they just close one eye and pretend that everything is fine. They are burning the world because they won’t stop the chaos, or “put out the fire.”

1 comment:

Miller said...

Jesse, you make some excellent points here, especially through your use of Faber's quote. I think Bradbury was tryingn to get across a clear message to people, not just to those who "burn" but for the majority of us who sit back and do nothing. That's what happened in Fahrenheit 451: the society was allowed to essentially wither away and almost die. It took people like Clarisse, Montag, and Faber to open both eyes and "put out the fire."