Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blog 3- Important ideas and learnings

I think that my thinking was affected a lot by what other people had to say and by what they wrote. Their opinions helped me to open my mind and think more about what I wanted to write. On one post I was having trouble thinking of what I wanted to write about and then another classmate and I started talking about one of the questions on the answer sheets for our books. Her thoughts and responses to my question made me think about responses that I never would have come up with on my own. Another time I was reading a post from someone in another class. They had written something that I didn’t agree with %100 and it gave me more to talk about. I think that the blogging process was very beneficial to me this time because if I was having trouble with a post I could read what other people had to say and either elaborate on what they had to say if I could or I could restate what they had to say if I disagreed with it. Not only that but it was kind of fun being able to put Vili Valo as my profile picture. Another thing that helped me a lot was the questions that we had to answer while reading the book. They helped me understand the book and make me elaborate when I was stuck.

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